Nikki Törnblom-Borgh
Nikki has a part-time job here at Hogsta Ridsport and has worked here since May 2018.
With a Mommy and Godmother who loves horses it was obvious for Nikki to start with horses aswell, she started her riding career at Rastaborgs Ridskola. After a few years came the first pony, during the pony years it was both jumping and dressage that applied but finally it was the dressage that was the most fun.
Nikki has gone to an equestrian education school and she started to work in the stable where she has her horse. After working in stables, Nikki wanted to try something completely different so she studied TV production and has worked in the television industry in recent years. Over the years, it was a lot of work but in the stable she could reload with energy.
"When you sit on the horse you can not focus on anything else, then it is you and your horse that matter"
Nikki has a gelding born-08 for Friendship - Bernstein. Adonis "Nisse" as he is called is a sensitive and ambitious guy who loves to cuddle. Due to injuries, it is only now in 2018 they have come out on competitions and the goal for 2018 is that Nisse should get routine at competitions and understand that neither judge tower or flowers will eat him up ;)
Nikki lives in Bromma with her faithful companion mixed breed dog Nocke.